Monday, February 11, 2013

It's complicated...

Why some people put on a relationship status as "It's complicated" on your Facebook...why cant they just tell the truth whether they're jandette (janda), dudette (duda), spinster or terutu ( Teruna Tua). I really hate that kind of status coz it makes me wondering about their real status. For Facebook users out there...when you see a profile where someone has put their relationship status as "it's complicated", what comes to mind? What does it mean in your opinion? Just trying to get an idea of what different people think about it. Does "it's complicated" means, "something's going on, but I don't want to say what it is"? Or even, "something's going on, but I don't know what it is"? If that's the case, why list your relationship status at all ? Whenever I see that status on Facebook, the first thing I see is a RED FLAG which means "don't go near him/her with a ten foot pole coz they're unavailable, problematic type of people or they're having a marital problems". In my experience with friends, "its complicated" usually means they are going through a breakup and its drawn-out and messy or they are still married but not living under the same roof anymore, the bottom line is, they are single but technically unavailable and definitely not ready to mingle. If I ever put on "It's complicated" status on my Facebook, what I really mean is " I love to date an abg dudette but he rejected me many times, so it's really complicated".... LOL